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Que tal está conversación ? Foreritos :v


Miembro de Plata
Pinchado 4ta Dosis
18 Abr 2020
Puntos de reacción
* And what are you doing in this place? Are you going to visit someone or are you just going for a walk?
* I am returning from my classmate's house, we had a pending task.
* Oh, I understand ... great! How are the classes going?
* The classes are going very well, although sometimes they leave a lot of homework
* I understand, sometimes they also leave me a lot of homework at my school and I end up exhausted.
* what subject at school turned out to be your favorite?
* definitely history.
* Why?
* Because, each class of history felt like a movie ... I really enjoyed it, when they touched on topics like the Second World War, the French Revolution, among other very interesting ones.
* oh nice you're right
* And changing the subject, I will go to buy clothes, some place that you recommend me?
* I recommend you go to the Mall, but what day will you go?
* When I finished my classes, I think it will be this Sunday
* No problem, I will go with you.
* thanks, a question ...
If you won a five-minute shopping spree at any store, where would you choose?
* I would definitely go to the Nike store
* why?
* Because I really like sneakers, That is such a popular brand!
* you're right.
* and ... If you could spend a day with anyone, whom would you choose?
* definitely with you, my friend.
Because we have similar tastes, we like the same things and it would be fun to spend a day with you.
* Wow, really?
You're right ... wow! It is late, I have to go to class.
See you tomorrow.
* yes of course, until tomorrow.


Algo para cambiar o mejorar? :pepekms:
creo que está hasta el pincho ... pero asi se aprende :PepeHands.
Ya despertara mi instinto gringo que llevo dentro. :peepoAwwWide:

ayuden plis :PepeHands.

Gracis :pepeLolBye:
Utiliza las contracciones,así serás de otro nivel.
Conversaciones que nunca se darían en la vida de esa forma.
hmm el "in this place" de la primera oración lo cambiaría por "here"
que puedo cambiar o agregar? aiudaa papu :PepeHands.

Que puedo quitar o cambiar? :PepeHands.
aiudaame mamuuu:pepekms:

Gracis :pepeLolBye:
te ayudaría, pero mi grammar no es de lo mejor, soy mejor, sin halagarme, en listening (sobre todo este ultimo) y speaking. Eso de leave me homwork no sé, yo diria assign, cuando escribo en ingles o escribo muy rapido o muy académico claro corrigiendo.
El I will go por I'll go eso.
¿Estás en intermedio o avanzado?
claro las contracciones, pero aparte de eso? osea mas que nada me refiero al sentido de la conversación y a la gramatica....
Tengo que crear una conversación con estás preguntas :
If you won a five-minute shopping spree at any store, where would you choose?
If you could spend a day with anyone, whom would you choose?
What subject in school turned out to be your favorite?
La cuestion es que lo tenga gramaticalmente bien redactado y que la conversación tenga al menos sentido.
Mañana lo tengo que decir toda esa conversación de memoria. :peepoThink:
Mas que nada mi problema es con darle un mejor sentido y la gramática.
Soy básico bro, bueno eso creo. :pepekms:
te ayudaría, pero mi grammar no es de lo mejor, soy mejor, sin halagarme, en listening (sobre todo este ultimo) y speaking. Eso de leave me homwork no sé, yo diria assign, cuando escribo en ingles o escribo muy rapido o muy académico claro corrigiendo.
Yo tambien me confundo mucho en la gramatica, osea el pronunciamiento, el listenig ... se me es más fácil, hasta leer cualquier texto en ingles ... llego a enterlo ... mi problema va en redactarlo correctamente en la gramatica, ahi que estoy hasta patas, cometo muchos errores gramaticales y a veces pierdo el sentido :pepekms:

Yo tambien me confundo mucho en la gramatica, osea el pronunciamiento, el listenig ... se me es más fácil, hasta leer cualquier texto en ingles ... llego a enterlo ... mi problema va en redactarlo correctamente en la gramatica, ahi que estoy hasta patas, cometo muchos errores gramaticales y a veces pierdo el sentido :pepekms:

La pronunciación no es tan complicada sólo es ser consciente de sus sonidos, pero depende de tu oido.
Si tienes buen oido, tendrás buena pronunciaron, la gramatica es facilita de ingles, si no la entiendes es porque quizá te falta reforzar conceptos de la grámatica española, tu propia gramatica te sirve como base para aprender cualquier idioma aprendido en la adultez, es como saber sumar y restar antes de multiplicar. Yo con mi ingles he podido comunicarme aceptablemente, no de hablo de pedir el baño, pero sobre mis sentimientos, ideas. Me costo años eso sí.
* And what are you doing in this place? Are you going to visit someone or are you just going for a walk?
* I am returning from my classmate's house, we had a pending task.
* Oh, I understand ... great! How are the classes going?
* The classes are going very well, although sometimes they leave a lot of homework
* I understand, sometimes they also leave me a lot of homework at my school and I end up exhausted.
* what subject at school turned out to be your favorite?
* definitely history.
* Why?
* Because, each class of history felt like a movie ... I really enjoyed it, when they touched on topics like the Second World War, the French Revolution, among other very interesting ones.
* oh nice you're right
* And changing the subject, I will go to buy clothes, some place that you recommend me?
* I recommend you go to the Mall, but what day will you go?
* When I finished my classes, I think it will be this Sunday
* No problem, I will go with you.
* thanks, a question ...
If you won a five-minute shopping spree at any store, where would you choose?
* I would definitely go to the Nike store
* why?
* Because I really like sneakers, That is such a popular brand!
* you're right.
* and ... If you could spend a day with anyone, whom would you choose?
* definitely with you, my friend.
Because we have similar tastes, we like the same things and it would be fun to spend a day with you.
* Wow, really?
You're right ... wow! It is late, I have to go to class.
See you tomorrow.
* yes of course, until tomorrow.


Algo para cambiar o mejorar? :pepekms:
creo que está hasta el pincho ... pero asi se aprende :PepeHands.
Ya despertara mi instinto gringo que llevo dentro. :peepoAwwWide:

ayuden plis :PepeHands.

Gracis :pepeLolBye:
Solo con usar contracciones te darán más nota, ahora si es informal puedes usar el "ain't" para sonar un poco más nativo, no mucho, solo pocas veces
Varias partes del texto no tendrían sentido incluso si estuvieran en español, pero voy a intentar.

And what are you doing here? Are you visiting someone or are you just going for a walk?
* I just returned from my classmate's house, we had a pending task.
* Oh, I see ... great! How are your classes going?
* The classes are going very well, although sometimes they leave a lot of homework
* It was the same for me, they used to leave me a lot of homework back when i was at school and I used to end up exhausted.
* what subject at school turned out to be your favorite?
* definitely history.
* Why?
* Because, each class of history felt like a movie ... I really enjoyed it, when they touched on topics like the World War Two, the French Revolution, among other very interesting ones.
* oh nice you're right
* By the way, I need to buy some clothes, is there a place that you recommend?
* Well, I'd suggest you go to the Mall, but what day will you go?
* When I've finished my classes, I think I'll have time this Sunday
* I see, I can go with you, if you want.
* thanks, I have a question ...
Imagine you've won a five-minute shopping spree at any store, which would you choose?
* I would definitely go to the Nike store
* why?
* Because I really like sneakers, also, Nike is such a popular brand!
* you're right.
* and ... If you could spend a day with anyone, whom would you choose?
* definitely you, my friend.
Because we have similar tastes, we like the same things and it would be fun to spend a day with you.
* Wow, really?
You're right ... wow! It is late, I have to go to class.
See you tomorrow.
* See you.
Última edición:
La pronunciación no es tan complicada sólo es ser consciente de sus sonidos, pero depende de tu oido.
Si tienes buen oido, tendrás buena pronunciaron, la gramatica es facilita de ingles, si no la entiendes es porque quizá te falta reforzar conceptos de la grámatica española, tu propia gramatica te sirve como base para aprender cualquier idioma aprendido en la adultez, es como saber sumar y restar antes de multiplicar. Yo con mi ingles he podido comunicarme aceptablemente, no de hablo de pedir el baño, pero sobre mis sentimientos, ideas. Me costo años eso sí.
Entiendo ...
¿Que tal asi ?
I understand, sometimes I am also assigned many tasks at my school and I end up exhausted. :PepeHands.
claro las contracciones, pero aparte de eso? osea mas que nada me refiero al sentido de la conversación y a la gramatica....
Tengo que crear una conversación con estás preguntas :
If you won a five-minute shopping spree at any store, where would you choose?
If you could spend a day with anyone, whom would you choose?
What subject in school turned out to be your favorite?
La cuestion es que lo tenga gramaticalmente bien redactado y que la conversación tenga al menos sentido.
Mañana lo tengo que decir toda esa conversación de memoria. :peepoThink:
Mas que nada mi problema es con darle un mejor sentido y la gramática.
Soy básico bro, bueno eso creo. :pepekms:
Si estás en básico,vas por buen camino.Tu gramática y sentido de oración son correctos.
I used to end up exhausted.
* esto está mal, que yo sepa luego del to va un verbo.
they also left me a lot of homework
*mejor pondría they assign me lot of homework too
, is there a place that you recommend
*any, pregunta es con any

así varias cosas.
Por cierto, no uses contracciones al escribir, primero aprender a ser consciente de la gramática, luego usa.
Pero si vas a abreviar el had y el would con d' te vas a confundir, además para el inglés académico las contracciones no se usan.
Las contracciones deben ser usadas para el inglés hablado sobre todo.
Entiendo ...
¿Que tal asi ?
I understand, sometimes I am also assigned many tasks at my school and I end up exhausted. :PepeHands.
I get it, sometimes I was assigned (by the teacher) with much homework so I used to be exhausted.

Yo lo pondría así, pero como te digo mi gramática es ruinosa, me da flojera enmendarla, pero creo que lo haré en está cuarentena, mi listening es muchísimo mejor, incluso mi speaking.
corrigo "I was assigned,given a lot of homework *
Última edición:
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